Stacking the right experiences: A tale of two massages

Recently, I found myself in need of a remedial massage for a persistent stiff neck. What followed were two vastly different experiences, each leaving a lasting impression – one I’d rather forget and one that left me glowing with satisfaction. These contrasting moments drove home a crucial lesson for dental practices: how we “stack” experiences for patients directly influences their perception, trust, and willingness to return.

The First Experience: A Missed Opportunity

I decided to use a gift voucher at a massage clinic I hadn’t visited before. While their online booking system seemed a little off (every single slot was free for January 2nd!), I chose to call instead. After a halting conversation – there was a clear language barrier – I secured a 2:30 pm appointment.

When I arrived, I was greeted by a pungent food aroma instead of the relaxing scent of essential oils one would expect. Despite a lovely waiting room and polite staff, the service faltered at every step. My appointment ran late, the receptionist struggled to understand my parking concerns, and the therapist seemed confused by my presence and adjustments to the appointment length. These little missteps compounded, eroding my trust in the process.

By the time I was shown to the treatment room, I was second-guessing my decision to stay.

In hindsight, it wasn’t any single thing that drove me to walk out – not the aroma, the delays, or the language barriers on their own. It was the accumulation of these negatives that made the experience feel untrustworthy.

The Second Experience: Building Trust

A few days later, I turned to a friend’s recommendation: Heather at Elixir in Upper Ferntree Gully. Booking was seamless – a quick online form, a prompt confirmation call from Heather herself, and a helpful Google invite with the clinic’s address.

From the moment I walked into the serene, spacious clinic, I felt reassured. Heather’s warm handshake and genuine introduction set the tone. The intake process was concise but thoughtful, focusing just enough on my specific needs without overwhelming me with unnecessary questions. Every step of the session was clearly explained, from how to prepare for the massage to the check-ins during the treatment. The massage itself? Perfection – thorough and effective.

By the end, I was not only relieved of my discomfort but also deeply impressed by the entire experience. Heather had stacked so many positives that I left inspired to leave a glowing Google review, unprompted.

The Lesson for Dental Practices: Stacking Trust

What stayed with me after these two experiences is how crucial trust is in any service – especially one as personal as healthcare or dentistry. It’s never just one misstep that deters patients; it’s a cumulative effect of small negatives. Similarly, building patient loyalty isn’t about one grand gesture but rather a series of small, consistent positives that build confidence and trust.

In your dental practice, consider:

  • Are you unintentionally stacking negatives? Long waits, rushed communication, or unclear processes can add up to a negative patient experience.
  • Are you deliberately stacking positives? A warm welcome, clear communication, and thoughtful touches like patient follow-ups can transform the experience.

Taking a Fresh Look at Your Practice

To ensure you’re building trust, it’s important to see your practice through fresh eyes:

  • Mystery Shoppers: Use a mystery shopper to experience your practice as a patient would. Identify areas for improvement and celebrate what’s working well.
  • Observation Mornings: Invite a consultant to observe your team in action. External perspectives often reveal insights that are easy to miss from the inside.

By stacking positives and addressing any negatives, you’ll not only improve patient satisfaction but also inspire loyalty, glowing reviews, and referrals – the ultimate markers of a thriving dental practice.